Thursday, September 4, 2008

Convention coming to an end

Day five and last day of the convention for me will be a finale as we go to hear John McCain accept the Republican nomination to be our 44th president. The 3rd of September has been our busiest day. The Sarah Palin speech was beyond everyone’s expectations for both it’s substance and it’s style. As delegates, there is no coaching and direction on our behavior. Everything happens spontaneously. You might not of seen it, but after Sarah Palin mentioned the big city media attacks against her, the convention turned and pointed towards the media booths that ring the convention floor. Here is a picture of Senator Slade Gorton talking to another delegate with the media booths in the back ground. MSNBC and Al Jazerra have been very active interviewing Washington delegates. In the meantime, we have had a very interesting and dynamic few days. Some of you have e-mailed letting me know that you have seen me twice on Fox News in the crowd. With hundreds of reporters on the convention floor with that many cameras following in tow, you always have to be looking sharp! No yawning or scratching in the wrong places on national television. :) The Washington delegation is right next to the Massachusetts delegation. We had Governor Mitt Romney visit yesterday and say hello to everyone. Showing it is a small world, the first delegate I met from Massachusetts just happens to be good friends with my cousin from East Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Below is a picture of Senator Slade Gorton with delegate Creigh Agnew of Federal Way cheering for one of the convention speakers. There are video displays everywhere, so often it is easier to see what is happening, especially if you are short like me and can't see the podium when everyone stands up!